UGAM Ambrolauri - ამბროლაურის აეროპორტი

  • Ich habe mich mit Szeneriedesign noch nicht beschäftigt da es mir zu kompliziert erscheint obwohl ich des öfteren mit dem Gedanken gespielt habe.

    Im Prinzip ist das, was ich mache, noch recht einfach. Ich baue mir mit ADE ein Flugplatzlayout und platziere darauf Objekte: Die flugplatzspezifischen von David, und passende Objekte, die man überall in den Dateibibliotheken finden kann. So würde ich auch starten. Stufe zwei war bei mir das Ground Polygon mit SBuilder. Dann kamen eigene Vektorobjekte (Straßen, Flüsse). Mit diesen Techniken kannst Du schon relativ viel bewirken. Bei Telavi habe ich noch eine umfassende Modellierung des Mesh vorgenommen, das war schon etwas anspruchsvoller und ich müsste erst mal wieder reinkomme, aber das muss zu Beginn nicht sein. Schön wäre es, wenn ich auch selbst Modelle bauen könnte, aber da habe ich noch gar keine Erfahrung.

    Wie Günther/HGS heute schrieb: Nicht lange Manuals studieren, sondern einfach loslegen!

    Harald Geyer


  • Hi Greg, unfortunately I don't use GMax, as I get the models ready built and textured, and I only convert them into FS9 bgl files. All I could do is to edit the window texture itself.

    (Or, of course, ask David if he could change the window appearance.)

    At the moment, I try to solve my elevation problem. The opaqueness issue will come to my attention later.

    Thanks for your help so far, Dedl and Greg!

    Probably best to ask David first if he can change the model. If that is not possible, if you think it worth a shot, send me the mdl file (if that is what you have as your model) and I can try to convert it to 3DMax using MCX and then import the model into Gmax. If I can get it into Gmax then I can play around with the glass areas. I would also need the texture sheets for terminal terminal. Your call, if you'd like me to give it a try.


    Regina Canada

  • Ich habe den ganzen Abend mit der Glastextur herumexperimentiert. Während es im MCX gar nicht so schlecht aussieht:

    funktioniert es im Simulator einfach nicht:

    Immerhin habe ich das Höhenproblem, nun ja, nicht gelöst, sondern umgangen. Ich habe einfach den Betonsockel entfernt und die Position in der Höhe justiert. Dass nun die Geländer im Boden verschwinden, ist aus meiner Sicht der geringere Preis dafür, dass das Gebäude schön auf dem Erdboden steht.

    Gute Nacht zusammen, good night!

    Harald Geyer


  • I don't have a clue how you did that in MCX! I need to brush up on the capabilities of that amazing tool. Too bad it doesn't come through in FS9. My guess is that he is using some material characteristics in his original model that are not supported by FS9. If we can get the model into Gmax the concrete base issue can be fixed as well.


    Regina Canada

  • Not to be misunderstood - I didn't actually edit the window via MCX. I played around with several colours in the texture including the Alpha channel via DXTBmp. I then reloaded the model in MCX to see how it looks. The strange thing was that I got a quite opaque look in MCX, while in the sim the windows looked completely different, with much less opaqueness.

    I think I'll send you the model in the next days. Many thanks for your effforts! It's cool to have that transatlantic cooperation again after Mestia.

    Just to be sure - which model do you prefer:

    - Davids original for P3D, just to see what he did in fact? or

    - my model (converted for FS2004) to see what can be done within the limitations of FS2004? Furthermore, this model has already no more concrete base and is positioned correctly.

    Regarding the concrete base: I believe that I solved (or better: bypassed) that, as I think this is no model issue. I think this is a problem of height differences within the airport. The real Ambrolauri Airport has a height step between street/Terminal intrance and Apron/Gate; so that there is no concrete base when you approach from the street side, while you can see it from the runway side. I tried to make two different flatten polygons beside: One for the street and parking lot (with a user defined apron polygon to represent the parking) and another for the rest of the airport, including the terminal. I expected that the latter would be based at airport height, while there would be higher ground behind it, looking somehow irregular, though. What in fact happened was that the higher flatten interfered with the aprons (covering them completely), while the terminal building was raised to the higher elevation, too (just the opposite from what I expected or at least hoped).

    Obviously, FS2004 can't handle an elevation difference at such a short range. I have seen steep holes or mesas as unintentional height faults, but they still were a kind or irregular. What I needed here would be a very accurate and straight step in the ground, with the terminal exactly placed at the lower level and the street and parking lot placed at the higher one.

    What I did instead now was to omit the concrete base from the model. I then placed it some feet below AGL so that the main building hull sits properly at the ground. The handrail now sinks into the ground, but that is - imho - an acceprable price to pay.

    Harald Geyer


  • The longer I think about your windows, the more I believe it is a issue with MCX FS2004 and transparent parts.

    If you import a model (.mdl) with transparent parts, modify it (or not) and export it to FS2004 MDL scenery object (.mdl) axis are mixed.

    I discuss this problem since 2014 with Arno.…144/post-837277

    I woud try to get the sketchup Collada (.dae), import it, modify it with Material editor (jpg to bmp) and export to FS2004 MDL.

    Gruß aus Bayern

    Intel Core I5 7500, Gigabyte B250H, 16GB DDR4, NVDIA Geforce GTX 1050TI 4GB

  • O.k., beside the veeery interesting argumentation between Arno and "rk", did I understand the issue correctly:

    If a correct FS2004 bgl is loaded into MCX, axis of transparent parts and effects are shown incorrect.

    May I conclude that if I load a model with transparent parts showing up correct, transparent parts will show up incorrect in FS2004 after compiling as bgl?

    In my case, I loaded a P3D bgl and compiled it directly into an FS2004 bgl. However, MCX seems to do that via making an .mdl, though; at least I interprete its messages that way.

    And, if this is the Problem, indeed: May I find the opaque windows standing or laying somewhere in the scenery now?

    Harald Geyer


  • That is what I believe.

    The workflow Sketchup -> DAE -> MCX -> MDL -> LibraryCreatorXml -> ADE9 (Tools - Library Object Manager) Add Object -> ADE xxx.bgl works fine.

    But if you load the MDL or Lib again in MCX the result is "strange".

    I cannot say what happens if you create a "scenery bgl" by MCX, but it looks like your windows have no "glass" (empty frames).

    Maybe we wait what Arno says...

    Gruß aus Bayern

    Intel Core I5 7500, Gigabyte B250H, 16GB DDR4, NVDIA Geforce GTX 1050TI 4GB

  • Der neue Tower, den ich mir als Ergänzung der schönen Freeware Lows2006 in Salzburg hingestellt hatte, sieht schon etwas anders aus :)

    Gruß aus Bayern

    Intel Core I5 7500, Gigabyte B250H, 16GB DDR4, NVDIA Geforce GTX 1050TI 4GB