Beiträge von edetroit

    You have great taste Kali!, one of my favourite liveries.:love:

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    Hello Ahmed,

    I think the VDGS will be provided by AES for AES supported airports. It initially displays aircraft type and then changes to the actual time.

    You can use the same groundmap for UK2000 or Simwings. I use the latest chart information. If an airport scenery is too out of date I either have to amend the scenery or the ground map.



    Hello All,

    I still do not know how the gate stand knew my aircraft was an A35X but I wanted to say I knew which runway exit I would use and which gate I would be parking at and so did FSATC.

    This was achieved by choosing my gate (a la real world flight) Gate 334. Open the afcad with ADE, make sure Gate 334's size fits my aircraft, assign an airline code. VIR (for virgin) and another letter for me...say VIRE. Move this gate to the top of the parking list.

    What happens is the gate will be kept open for me only simply because it has an airline code and there is no airline that is VIRE.

    As it's at the top of the parking list I will be offered the gate when I land. Bingo!



    Hello Ahmed, Thank you for your comments.

    1: The bounce differs with the landings, weight,speed, vertical speed etc..... I am still looking at it though.

    2: Constraints font size still not fixed.

    3: I will not change it.

    4: Engine sounds in the flightdeck? My main gripe is autothrottle is too slow.



    Hi guys,

    Check out this relatively hard landing when I was checking H's gear animation. I like it. I hope you do too.

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    What I liked especially is the moment of touchdown and compression of the shock struts of the MLG.

    Kali, that was also my thought with the first Video (SMOOTH AS SILK). I thought about whether Ed landed with a relatively high landing weight, but then I thought to myself, which "screw" did he turn this time to achieve such a remarkable effect?;):/
    Another wonderful video Ed:thumbup:


    Hello Andreas,

    The crucial figures are in the contact_points section of the aircraft cfg

    Static compression, Max/Static compression ratio and Damping ratio.

    Also static_pitch and static_cg_height. These two a very important especially for AES pushback...they should always be correct but rarely are.

    Damping ratio is the one you should look at after all the others are correct. This is the one that will make your aircraft look like it has some weight. The lower the figure the better IMO BUT too low and your aircraft will waddle when you turn.



    Hello Kali,

    Another reason for the lack of full flight is my FDE. I am still not happy with it.

    The moment of touchdown and struts compression has had a lot of time spent trying to get it right.

    I too was shocked when I saw A35X in the stand post..... I have just checked the atc_model and it says A359.

    ui_type="A350-1000" maybe? I'm intrigued. ^^



    When will I have time for a full flight?:/

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    Hello Gunther,

    I was of the opinion that a VTP would not cause problems like a landclass file.

    How I decided it could be a problem was when I landed my A350 recently at LHR.

    The taxicam views in my A350 are basically picture in picture views which are very bad on frame rates ..and there are two showing at the same time!

    Now my rig can even handle that ok but I noticed at LHR the frames were taking a greater than usual hit and in fact ended up with an OOM.

    After moving the two files egllvtp.bgl and egllvtpexx.bgl to my landclass folder (which has no texture folder) the frame rates shot up again.

    Make of that what you will. The difference was so noticable I decided to move my vtp files. (if poss)

