UK2000 News - Download Archive of Purchased Airports to End

  • I received this email today so I thought I would share it with the team in case any of you who are UK2000 customers did not.

    "Dear customer

    Removal of account system.

    In a year's time, our customer account download system will be closed down. As a small business, I'm no longer able to maintain this free courtesy storage system forever. In future, any direct sales will be on the basis that you need to download and store your own product files within 2 weeks of purchase. There is also the possibility that direct sales may stop and instead rely purely on resellers like the MS Marketplace and the Simmarket who have the infrastructure and staff to maintain a file and customer database.

    So please download and store your product files and key codes before the system is turned off."


    Regina Canada

  • Strange - I just got an e-mail telling me that I was removed from the account system. No more information. First I thought it is a spam mail. Thanks, Greg, for clarifying the situation with UK2000.



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