• Thanks Kofi

    Even though I now use FSGlobal and their Real westher, I still have a copy of ASE in my archives as I mentioned, so I downloaded your files just for an incase somewhere in the future :)

    Kind regards


  • Hi Greg

    As "the other Greg" :) already showed, you can indeed download and save weather files later. The only downside is that you cannot load the saved files "dynamically" as the downloads work but if the server ever goes off, having a static real shot of the weather is better than nothing at all, and you can always load a new file yourself every now and then for those longer files if you don't want the static weather.

    Again, let us hope the database and server stay online as long as possible, but this is my backup just for incase..... ;)


  • There are multiple weather files for each day so I imagine you'd need a massive archive for a year's worth of weather.

    Indeed Greg.

    I started downloading the files on the day I did the post and I will check later but I think there is already something like 420MB of data in there.

    I am still deciding on one of two ways forward with this.

    1 - Merely downloading one file per day for the morning and one for the evening (as South Africa as an example is very use to thunderstorms in the evening and fog in the mornings) and using the file for the entire day of flying (obviously not the most realistic but at least something :);) )

    2 - Downloading as many of the files I can and utilizing an external source to host these files as the space required would be enormous. Having said this, even if I do decide on this way forward, I will probably only download a few (maybe 4 - 8) files for every day.
