FS Real Time Runtime Error "9"

  • Jedenfalls hat die V 1.82 bei mir auch den Run Time Error gebracht, als ich nach dem Shutdown von FS9 es beendet habe.

    Prost zur Schoko!


    Gruß aus Bayern

    Intel Core I5 7500, Gigabyte B250H, 16GB DDR4, NVDIA Geforce GTX 1050TI 4GB

  • Hattest Du da schon den Eintrag in der hosts-Datei?

    Das würde wohl bedeuten, dass die Suche nach einem Update erst später / am Ende erfolgt.

    Nein, noch keinen Eintrag.
    Deine Schlußfolgerung ist richtig, aber ich habe auch noch nicht die Funktion "Start AutoUpdate" (der Zeit) getestet.
    Mal schauen..

    LG Günther

    Gruß aus Bayern

    Intel Core I5 7500, Gigabyte B250H, 16GB DDR4, NVDIA Geforce GTX 1050TI 4GB

  • Okay, V 1.99 fünktioniert mit dem Trick der "Hosts".

    Ich werde es weitergeben, nochmals vielen Dank für die kompetente Hilfe.
    Vieke Grüße

    Gruß aus Bayern

    Intel Core I5 7500, Gigabyte B250H, 16GB DDR4, NVDIA Geforce GTX 1050TI 4GB

  • Okay, V 1.99 fünktioniert mit dem Trick der "Hosts".

    There are people online that maintain various versions of the hosts file that will block off any unwanted or suspicious URLs. I use quite large hosts file modifications to block things like online advertisements and a whole variety of unwelcome websites on themes like porn and gambling etc. There is also software that will intervene for you (ad blockers etc). Ads embedded in sites you want to visit (eg Avsim) can't be blocked if they are also on the save server network, but everything else is gone. There are often "drive-by download" URLs in these files as well that get blocked.

    Of course the idea is to avoid places like that anyway, but even a decent search engine can have something nasty in the search results.

    I also do it with social media sites of all types. We have a separate internet access for guests that want to access things like that. They can see Facebook but not our household LAN. All in the HOSTS file.

    For anyone that doesn't know what this does, each URL requested is looked up in the HOSTS file before going anywhere else, if the system finds it in the list, it accesses the IP address that is associated with the HOSTS entry, and this should always be your own system. If there's no entry in the HOSTS file then the system looks further on into the internet. It's basically being used as a blacklist for URLs. A large hosts file means a slightly longer lookup time that delays every access, but which is compensated for by no longer downloading tons of nonsense ads.

    I'd never really given any thought that it might be usable to defeat any phone-home mechanism in software, so this tip is potentially extremely useful to me should I come up against software that suddenly fails to work.

    I have to shake my head at the "subscript out of range" error, though. Any conscientious and thorough software engineer would catch those exceptions in their own code rather than have the system pick up on their omissions.

    “Every word has consequences. Every silence, too.” - Sartre

  • Hallo Günther und Heyno,

    ich bin gerade auch über den update-bug gestolpert. Nichts ging mehr bei FS Real Time. Vielen Dank für die Lösung. Hat bei mir aber nur mit der IP in der hosts-Datei funktioniert.

    LG Peter