Hello, Does anyone have the Callsign for A220 (vcpmod) ?

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Hello Yoan,

    a warm welcome to our FS9-forum. Although it was a mostly German speaking forum from the beginning we like that people from all over the world who are still flying the best sim ever are signing in.

    In the beginning I would recommend to hand you over to the forum rules. Oli and I (the founder of this forum) we like to be personal here and love to welcome new activ members. We would be delighted, if you read through the rules with the help of the google translator. And if you get lost in translation by reading the German articles, don't hesitate to ask - we will gladly help you with a translation.

    You will notice, that we call each other mostly by real names and you will probably get feedback to your answers if you follow a kind of politenes and don't call us "guys" (perhaps you will find a nicer and more respectfull salutation when you have come to a new team) and sign your words with you name.

    It also is a nice gesture, that will open many doors, if a new member intruduce himself first and write a little about from where they are, some words about themselves and some words about their experience with our hobby. Not much but a little about who you are would be very welcome. For this we have the private department that only can be seen by registered members and you will find more information about us here: (click)

    I am sure, following these simple rules of human coexistece when joining a new group will inspire the other members much more to anwer your questions...

    Best regards

    Wer bekommt was er mag ist erfolgreich, wer mag was er bekommt, ist glücklich. (M. Luther)
