
  • Hallo an Euch - es gibt ein - eigentlich klitzekleines, aber nerviges Problemchen.

    Die Brake-Message läßt sich nicht ausschalten, obwohl ich schon mehrfach Änderungen in der fs09.cfg vorgenommen habe:


    Hat jemand eine Idee? Jedesmal, wenn ich einen Flug - auch den Standard-Flug mit der Standard-Cessna lade - ist sie wieder 'drin.

    Danke für Tips.


  • Hi Andreas,

    After editing the FS9.cfg .. if you open the cfg file the edit is still ok, still in place?

    And after loading those flights and exit FS9, is the edit still ok?

    I'm guessing that the "show brake" message parameter may be saved along with the rest of the flight details...

    If you edit the FS9.cfg, try to create a new files... does the message still appear?

    Also, where do you have your FS9 installed? If you're using Windows 10 onwards it is always better to have FS9 installed outside the windows folder structure.

    Good luck!


  • obwohl ich schon mehrfach Änderungen in der fs09.cfg vorgenommen habe:

    Ist das nur ein Tippfehler?

    Beginnt "show_brake_message=0" auf neuer Zeile?

    Gruß aus Bayern

    Intel Core I5 7500, Gigabyte B250H, 16GB DDR4, NVDIA Geforce GTX 1050TI 4GB

  • Hallo Andreas,

    versuch es mal mit Flusifix damit kann man so einige Probleme lösen.

    ... - jaja - dieses tolle Tool löst sehr viele Probleme. Darauf gibt es auch den Menüpunkt "Brake-Message" - ich habe versucht, die Message sowohl mit dem Tool als auch "händisch" in der cfg löschen - mit v.g. Befehl.

    Ist (jetzt, seit neuestem) wie'n Bumerang - kommt immer wieder retour...

    ....woha - that's tricky to describe - after opening and closing the files - the edits are still o.k.

    After starting a simulation ("flight") - the edits are gone respectively changed.

    Some attachments - for better understanding:



    ...TWO .cfg? One as a text-file, one to open with editor: :/:/:/:/


    ... (original) cfg.file (if I cancel/change the SYSCLOCK-command 1 to 0 - it will return

    after a flight).... .

    At FSX this command is to activate/deactivate the Brake-Message.

    Wondering why it's now in the fs09.cfg... :?::?:




    Screenshot-2023-04-19-135338.png UI-entry in .cfg?


    System is Win 11, downgrade to 10. The last one - completely new (for me)..... . :/:/

    7 Mal editiert, zuletzt von F-104 (19. April 2023 14:23)

  • Ok,

    I guess that Günther hit the nail right on the head! 8)

    You have all in one line ...


    It should be in two lines, like ...



    . . . . .

    Also, you have your FS9 installed inside the Windows folder structure (under Programs x86). That may be troublesome with certains addons trying to access/edit/save their files - because of security and permissions.

    It is generally accepted that if you have something like "C:\Flight Simulator 9" it will work much better.~

    . . . . .

    About the 2 CFGs - I'm not sure with Win11 but maybe the second file is named FS9.CFG.txt and Windows is hiding the most common file extensions? Right click on that file and check its properties to see if you can understand what's happening.

  • sooner said than done.......*argh* - much ado about nothing:

    Compliments to HGS-Günther...

    Also, you have your FS9 installed inside the Windows folder structure (under Programs x86). That may be troublesome with certains addons trying to access/edit/save their files - because of security and permissions.

    It is generally accepted that if you have something like "C:\Flight Simulator 9" it will work much better.~

    . . . . .

    About the 2 CFGs - I'm not sure with Win11 but maybe the second file is named FS9.CFG.txt and Windows is hiding the most common file extensions? Right click on that file and check its properties to see if you can understand what's happening.

    1.) ...the c:\...path - pffft - remembering so far - fs09 is/was always installed in the X86-folder structure? Better moving it into the c:\...path? A lot of fear about..... - try and error?

    2.) Could be the explanation.... -

  • Hi!

    Now that you have your FS9 installed there you can't move it, of course :) You would have to install it all again from the start...... or maybe there's some tool that can do that.

    Leave it like that, but if in the future you decide to start over again, I'd put FS9 outside the Windows folders!

  • ... - niemalsnichtwieder - ich schreib's Dir mal auf Deutsch (ist aber ein nettes, kleines Englisch-Training) - werd' ich den ganzen Plunder nochmal neu installieren, solange er - *auf-den-Holzschädel-klopf" - einigermaßen läuft.

    Es hat alles mit einem - verpatzten - Lüfter-Tausch angefangen - aber: hatte auch sein Gutes. Alleine die neue Grafikkarte war's schon wert.... - Grüße......Screenshot-2023-04-19-145554.png

    ...if you treat her like a lady, she will treat you as a pilot...