• Auch hier hat es Simmarket verpennt, den mit FS2004 zu taggen.

    Ich denke eher das die das extra machen. Es möchte ja von denen keiner mehr etwas vom FS9 wissen. So wie die meisten Entwickler und Publisher.

    Also wird das mal schön versucht unter den Teppich zu kehren.

    Danke für den Hinweis Stefan.

    Liebe Grüße aus Westfalen


  • Danke für den Hinweis Stefan.

    Ich sehe das leider genau so wie Thomas. Ging ich bis vor kurzem noch davon aus, dass da bei Simmarket ein Vollpfosten sitzt, der einfach zu blöd ist, die Verknüpfungen zu setzen, so muss ich doch mittlerweile ein gewisses System hinter all der Trotteligkeit erkennen.

    Umso wichtiger ist es, dass wir Syamsani persönlich mitteilen, dass wir seine Szenerien wegen der FS9 Version gekauft haben. Von Simmarket erhält er lediglich die totalen Verkäufszahlen und nicht nach Versionen aufgeschlüsselt. Also auch da, keine vernünftige Analyse möglich, sodass es ein leichtes zu behaupten ist, der FS2004 ist tot.


    P.S. Wenn Ihr an Syamsani ein kuzes "Danke" schreibt, schreibt doch bitte Mr. Syamsani, die Anrede "Mr." ist in Malaysia ein Gebot der Höflichkeit...

    Wer bekommt was er mag ist erfolgreich, wer mag was er bekommt, ist glücklich. (M. Luther)


  • Yes I think so, he would. But Simmarket only tells him the total amount of downloads.

    Mr. Syamsani told me so, when we had e-mail exchange during the "Quebec irritation times" a few years ago.


    Wer bekommt was er mag ist erfolgreich, wer mag was er bekommt, ist glücklich. (M. Luther)


  • Hopefully it is simply an error on Simmarket's part, and someone in charge of keypresses simply assumed it would not be for FS2004.

    Otherwise we'd have to assume that Simmarket wants to forego any FS2004 sales for no good reason. I can't imagine a business turning away money, although I know for sure that has happened in the past!

    The product is there on their virtual shelves, and they should really want to sell it. At least, if they have any sense.

    My point is, that this "decision" is so irrational that I can only assume that it's an oversight, a mistake.

    Since this listing "error" will also cost Mr Syamsani some money, I would hope that he gets Simmarket to list it properly.

    Otherwise we go down the conspiracy rabbithole and it's only a matter of time before Simmarket is identified as being in league with "the Illuminati".

    Or maybe that's what they want us to think (!).

    I reckon Mr Syamsani would profit from giving Simmarket a nudge, probably with a pointed stick.

    “Every word has consequences. Every silence, too.” - Sartre

  • Ich habe gerade mal bei SimMarket ein Ticket zum Thema eröffnet. Mal sehen, was die antworten...



    Wer bekommt was er mag ist erfolgreich, wer mag was er bekommt, ist glücklich. (M. Luther)


  • ABSCHICKEN - for some obscure reason that made me visualize some poultry working out with weights to get those Abs (abdominal muscles) toned.

    "Hmm, do you think this chicken is tough?"

    "Well, it put up quite a fight."

    "Okay, eat the comedian".

    "No, it tastes funny."

    Maybe I should stop while I'm only slightly behind...

    “Every word has consequences. Every silence, too.” - Sartre

  • Sorry Richard - Google can't translate the jpg...

    Here is the Google translation:

    Dear Simmarket employees,

    Unfortunately, the beautiful MFSG scenery from Hobart (YMHB) does not appear when looking for new scenery from you under Legacy/FS2004, although it is also made for this simulator and you sell it that way. Did you forget to set the FS2004 shortcut?

    Strangely enough, you made the same mistake with the new MFSG scenery from IPOH (WMKI). That's a shame and I hope it was careless and that it can be changed.

    Kind regards
    Dedl Klemmt

    Wer bekommt was er mag ist erfolgreich, wer mag was er bekommt, ist glücklich. (M. Luther)


  • That's okay, Dedl. I can usually latch onto enough words to draw out the meaning of what's being said, but I will use Google if I'm also intending to reply, because then the meaning is more important in the details. I'm better at this with French, though. I was taught French at school (when in Europe, at least) and began learning German in evening classes when I was first out of school in the US, and looking for work. I was intending ultimately to work in Europe but moved to England. Once in England for long enough, I forgot most of what I learned and hang on to fragments now. Almost completely British! :D

    “Every word has consequences. Every silence, too.” - Sartre