• Hello Ed,

    I believe egllvtpxx.bgl is defect.

    Whereas egllvtp.bgl is readable by all my tools (BGLanalyzer, SBuilder9) and contains some roads, 1 Lane, asphalt (1159) around the airport, (and nothing else), egllvtpxx.bgl is not readable besides with "TinyHexer". TinyHexer shows similar, but less data and "1162", which could mean "Road, concrete, 2 lanes".

    I attach 2 pics with and without egllvtpxx.bgl, I could not find any difference.
    I would suggest to deactivate egllvtpxx.bgl.




    Gruß aus Bayern

    Intel Core I5 7500, Gigabyte B250H, 16GB DDR4, NVDIA Geforce GTX 1050TI 4GB

  • Thank you Guenther for your research.https://www.animierte-gifs.net/data/media/1897/animiertes-danke-thank-you-smilies-bild-0003.gif
    Then I'll copy egllvtp.bgl back into the main scenery folder and see, if there's still any interference with the frames.
    If not, we can save ourselves the LC folder.


    “That’s one small step for (a) man, one giant leap for mankind.” (Neil A. Armstrong)

  • Andreas


    That file is an exclude for the default roads.

    I have also removed the egllvtp.bgl to a hold folder.

    I have Ultimate Terrain Europe installed so the roads have been modified already.

    For EGLC I have also removed the EGLC_lwm_a and EGLC_lwm_b and the exclude to a hold file.

    Performance is better and I cannot see a difference possibly because I have UTE installed.

    EGLC_lwm_a.bgl modifies the water around the airport. Altitude -9999m possibly to remove it.

  • No worries. I was concerned that I lost the file in some previous tinkering effort. Your point is well taken - regardless, no need for any vtp files, especially if you are running UTE.


    Regina Canada

  • Danke Günther für den Hinweis auf den brandneuen Frachter von Hiroshi. Der Download hat auch problemlos funktioniert,
    Aber beim Download des Models TDS A350-1000 bekomme ich dauernd eine heftige Viruswarnung über Firefox.

    Jetzt bin ich etwas irritiert:/:rolleyes:

    Hat eventuell noch jemand dasselbe oder ein vergleichbares Problem?


  • Mein Firefox hat das gleicht gemeldet.
    Ich habe trotzdem heruntergeladen, die Datei dann mit Windows Defender überprüft und keine Viruswarnung bekommen.

    Danach habe ich mit Windows Defender eine Schnellüberprüfung des PCs durchgeführt, ebenfalls 0.


    Gruß aus Bayern

    Intel Core I5 7500, Gigabyte B250H, 16GB DDR4, NVDIA Geforce GTX 1050TI 4GB